Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Fun, Messy Craft!

Maria and I love to do crafts, and the messier the better! This is a very fun craft for all children to do!

Here is what you need to make beautiful designed paper: A big plastic tub, water color paper, shaving cream(the cheatest you can find) Food coloring, a chop stick, to mix food colors, lots of paper towels, News paper to cover your work area....

Spray the shaving cream into the tub....

Drop food coloring on top of shaving cream....

Mix food coloring to make some cool designs......

Take the water color paper and lay on top of colored shaving cream....

Kind of pat paper lightly to pick up color...

Wipe off the shaving cream with paper towel...

Ta DA!

Our finished paper! You can use this paper for cards, book marks, whatever you can think of!

We hope you'll give this a try,and make beautiful paper with your children! Have fun, don't worry about the mess... it cleans up easily! Most important thing just have fun with your children!